Jambi is a province of indonesia , its is located on east coast of central sumatra and its capital is jambi

The history  of jambi begins when jambi located in the side of sriwijaya kingdom , sriwijaya kingdom located in palembang . At that time economic , military and capital of kingdom jambi is so strong . The movement of capital to jambi begins by the 1025 raid by pirates from chola region of shouthern india, the raid destroyed much of palembang

Demographics of jambi

 The population of jambi is 3.4 millions
Islam its largest religion in jambi its take 95% islam in jambi , and the cristian is 3% ,  budis is 0.3% , hindu is 0.25%
Languages use in jambi is indonesia , jambi,melayu ,kerinci

The governor of jambi is zumizola
And the vice governor is fachori umar

The uniq things in jambi is tempoyak
Tempoyak its food made from fish and added some durian sauce the taste is so spicy

1.what is the name of kindom in jambi
  a.tidore kingdom
  b.kutai kingdom
  c.tarumanegara kingdom
  d.majapahit kingdom
  e.sriwijaya kingdom

2.the largest religion in jambi is?

3.languages use in jambi is ?
   e. any answer is true

4 who is the gevernor in jambi
   a.zumi zola
   b.Fachori umar
   c.Ridwan kamil
   d.Dede mizwar
   e.Anies baswedan

5 what is the unique things in jambi
   b.the goverment
   c.the people
   d.the food
   e. the building
Preverence is wikipedia


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